My first iPhone app is finally available on AppStore. It's a puzzle game called RussPack and it demonstrates many of the techniques explained in this blog. So if you need some motivation in order to learn how to develop for the iPhone I suggest you check it out! :)
If you have had any use of the information in this blog, I would appreciate highly if you bought RussPack from AppStore, as a small token of appreciation.
See www.russpack.com for more information about the game and how to buy it.
If anyone wonders why it took so long for me to release my first app - almost 1,5 years - it's beacause I got a little baby boy at almost the same time as I started learning how to develop for the iPhone. Having a baby leaves little time for fun stuff like blogging and coding, but as you can see I managed to find some time. Mostly on the bus and subway on the way to my work actually ;)
Thanks for your attention and hope you like the game - it's actually really fun and addictive!
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